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Safety & Security

The Fund offers emergency preparedness and mitigation resources as a value-added service to members with Property, Auto, Liability, and Workers’ Compensation coverage.

Safety and Security Overview

The safety of students, staff, and visitors is the top priority of all educational organizations, so it’s essential to have a comprehensive emergency management and school security program in place to protect against potential threats.

This work has never been more challenging amid new requirements and emerging risks. The Fund offers preparedness and mitigation resources as a value-added service to members with Property, Auto, Liability, and Workers’ Compensation coverage. There’s nothing more important at the Fund than helping our members create safer and more resilient schools and communities through excellent planning, training and resources.  

Here’s How We Can Help 

Creating safe and secure schools is an ongoing process that starts with developing a comprehensive emergency management program that promotes a common understanding of the fundamentals, including risk assessment, planning, and decision making.

Our goal is to help members proactively address risks and mitigate their impact with a response that is effective, coordinated, and adaptable to evolving conditions. This work is designed to go beyond the basics and includes cultivating relationships with first responders, emergency management personnel and community partners. Our services include:

  • Emergency Operations Plan Review
  • Emergency Operations Plan Development Support
  • District Audit Report Support
  • District Audit Report Training
  • Emergency Management Training
  • Drill and Exercise Support
  • After-Action Facilitation

Get Access to Comprehensive Safety and Security Training

Emergency preparedness requires continuous training and practice for optimal effectiveness. Being able to respond appropriately during a high-stress, real-world incident is only possible when an organization has invested time and effort in understanding and implementing the five phases of emergency management: preparedness, response, recovery, prevention, and mitigation.

Our training covers these topics and more with a customized approach to meet the unique needs of each organization. To provide the most flexibility and convenience, we offer training in a variety of formats, from onsite classes to webinars and conferences.

Have Safety and Security or Emergency Management Questions? 

Members with Auto, Liability, Property, and Workers’ Compensation coverage can request training and support from their risk solutions consultant.

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Emergency Management and School Security Services

Members with Auto, Liability, Property, and Workers’ Compensation coverage can request support from  their risk solutions consultant.

Ready to Learn More?

Let one of our risk solutions consultants review your specific needs and develop a customized plan for you.