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Winter Weather Alert

News Update

Forecasters expect freezing temperatures across much of the state next week. As temperatures drop, the risk of burst pipes, flooding, power outages, and other losses increases. 

Now is the time to prepare your schools for winter weather and the associated operational disruptions and costly claims that have impacted Fund members across the state in recent years.

Follow these quick tips when forecasters warn that freezing temperatures are approaching:

  • Keep boilers running and set thermostats no lower than 50 degrees when possible, even during winter break.
  • Open doors to sink cabinets and other areas that have water pipes to allow warm air to circulate.
  • Consider shutting off water to facilities and draining pipes, but remember:
    • Shutting water off could prevent your fire sprinkler system from working. Check with the system manufacturer or installer.
    • Some districts might need their fire marshal’s approval to shut water off.
    • Most municipalities require that on-site personnel monitor for fires if water is shut off. Consult your local fire department.
  • Move or elevate items you want to protect from water damage. Examples include computers, hard-copy records, books, and electronic equipment.
  • Designate someone to regularly check property for broken or leaky pipes.

Pro Tip

Frozen pipes are the leading property-related risk when the temperature drops. School maintenance teams often believe that because pipes located above suspended ceiling tiles are inside the facility, they are heated. Unfortunately, these areas are not heated, so the pipes often freeze if they're not insulated.

What if a Pipe Bursts?

If any of your buildings suffer damage that requires immediate attention and you don't have a preferred vendor, reach out directly to these companies for help with mitigation and emergency repairs.

Statewide: Belfor Property Restoration, 254-405-4833 or 800-856-3333

Statewide: Target Solutions, 877-741-9026

Statewide: Cavalry Construction and Restoration, 469-520-7027 or 210-334-3559

South Texas: Gerloff Company, 800-486-3621

If there is evidence that your vehicles sustained water damage, please do not attempt to move them. We will arrange for an inspection after you report a claim.

Get More Tips

For tips on protecting property, vehicles, and people throughout the winter season, see our InsideRM article, How to Avoid Common Winter Weather Claims.

Risk Solutions Staff

The TASB risk solutions team includes risk solutions consultants and communications professionals who deliver training, consultations, articles, and resources that help Fund members control losses and their associated costs.